In the documentary Hypnosis on prescription aired on Dutch television, Mirjam Bartelsman follows patients who are treated with hypnosis in regular Dutch hospitals. The documentary was broadcast on Monday 28 May 2018. Prof.dr. Marc Benninga, pediatrician at the AMC in … Read More

Welcome !
Hypnotherapy is a solution for many personal issues and bad habits, the therapy can be delivered in person or at distance.
What is hypnotherapy ?
Hypnotherapy is a guided therapeutic process in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention during which positive suggestions are used to help people.
Can I be hypnotized ?
Everybody can be hypnotized, but only if you want to and follow the instructions of the therapist. You will experience a deep-relaxing state wich is pleasant and comfortable.

About Me
I am a registered clinical hypnotherapist with the GHR and I work in Calpe Alicante, Spain and can deliver therapy personally or via the internet in English, Dutch, Spanish and German. Feel free to explore the site and learn about what hypnotherapy can mean for you to improve your live. If you like to contact me, feel free to write me an e-mail or to ask me any question by WhatsApp by clicking the WhatsApp button at the bottom of the page.

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Recent Blog Entries

The subconsious mind
Our mind exists out of two separate parts, the conscious mind and the subconscious or unconscious mind. The first one is there for logic and reasoning, for deliberation, contemplation, judging and accepting, deals with time and planning, short term memories, … Read More

Does hypnotherapy work for children?
Hypnotherapy is normally working very well with children, as their brains are already in trance-like states, this makes children highly suggestible. This is also exactly why most of our issues, patterns, behaviours, and beliefs come from childhood, both positive and … Read More